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Who rules Zimbabwe - and what should civil society do now? 25 March

PRESENTER: Charles Mangongera & Toendepi Shonhe
DATE: Tuesday, 25 March
TIME: 12:30-2pm,
VENUE: CCS Seminar Room, 6th floor of Memorial Tower Building, UKZN Howard College Campus

TOPIC: An intricate web of political power players, securocrats, business cronies and bureaucrats has presided over a predatory state apparatus to prolong Robert Mugabe’s rule for personal and factional interests. The elusive search for a democratic breakthrough since the emergence of a vibrant opposition to ZANU (PF) in 2000 came to naught. The political process under the Global Political Agreement (GPA) failed to result in a transition to democracy - and serious questions are now being raised about the caliber of opposition leadership, at a time of civil society regroupment - so where next for Zimbabwe

SPEAKERS: Charles Mangongera is a well-known Zimbabwean public commentator and policy analyst, and Toendepi Shonhe is a democracy activist. Both are pursuing doctoral studies at the Centre for Civil Society.

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