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Black Consciousness, Fees Must Fall and Lessons from the Life of Ongkopotse Tiro, 1 February

Black Consciousness, Fees Must Fall and Lessons from the Life of Ongkopotse Tiro
Speakers: Menzi Maseko and Mandla Mbuyisa
Date: Monday 1 February 2015
Time: 12:30-14:00
Venue: CCS Seminar Room 602, 6th Floor, MTB Tower, Howard College, University of KwaZulu-Natal

In the first of a series on contemporary South African ideologies, the life of Ongkopotse Ramothibi Tiro's (1947-74) life will be examined in search of lessons for today's struggles, especially #FeesMustFall. Killed on this day in 1974 by the apartheid regime, Tiro was an SRC member and Black Consciousness leader. Expelled from Turfloop he then taught at Soweto's Morris Isaacson High School and helped found the South African Students Movement.

Menzi Maseko is a Black Consciousness revolutionary, a director at the Institute of Afrikology, a Librarian and researcher at the BAT Centre Trust and a Spokesperson for the Rastafari United Front. He is also a Poet, Essayist and a Life-Long-Learning Teacher facilitating the transfer of radical Black thought among Afrikans globally. He has been a supervisor of the Global Xchange programme with the British Council and now works as a Librarian and Researcher. Mandla Mbuyisa is a black consciousness activist, a Pan-Africanist, an emerging public intellectual and a member of the BlackFirst LandFirst movement.

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