Patrick Bond seminar on SA's Resource Curse, Harare, 28 February |
The Centre for Natural Resource Governance cordially invites you to a one and a half hour seminar titled 'Resource-based conflicts in South Africa: Lessons for Zimbabwe' to be given by the Director of Centre for Civil Society at the University of Kwazulu Natal, Professor Patrick Bond. The seminar will be held on Friday 28 February 2014 between 1430 and 1530 hours at ZimRights House, Alveston Court, cnr Baines Ave/4th St, Harare South Africa has been suffering from a series of strikes in the country’s strategic mining sector since 2012. Gold and platinum production has been affected the most since 2012. Gold and platinum are, respectively, the first and third largest contributors to South Africa’s export revenues. According to the National Treasury, more than USD500 million of platinum and gold mining production was lost between August and September 2012 due to labor unrest. The mining strikes began at Lonmin’s platinum mines in August 2012 before spreading to other mines including those of Anglo American Platinum, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields and Harmony Gold Mining. During the six-week strikes in the Lonmin mines, the country was hit by the deadly clashes which caused 46 deaths, 34 of which were caused by the police. More recently, labour strikes spread to most economic sectors including transport and textiles. Patrick Bond is professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he has directed the Centre for Civil Society since 2004. He earned his doctorate in economic geography under the supervision of David Harvey at Johns Hopkins in 1993, after studying finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and economics at Swarthmore College. His research interests include political economy, environment, social policy, and geopolitics. From 1994-2002, Patrick worked for the South African government, authoring or editing more than a dozen policy papers including the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) and the RDP White Paper. Bond is an advisory board member of several international journals: Socialist Register (York University), International Journal of Health Services (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health), Historical Materialism, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development (American University), Studies in Political Economy (Carleton University), Capitalism Nature Socialism, Review of African Political Economy, and the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (Unesco, New York). He has published two books on Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s Plunge (with Masimba Manyanya, 2003) and Uneven Zimbabwe (1998).
Farai Maguwu Executive Director Centre for Natural Resource Governance ZimRights House Alveston Court Cnr Baines Ave/4th St Harare, Zimbabwe +263715387417, +263735342058 Website: www.cnrg.org.zw