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Patrick Bond lecture at Rosa Luxemburg centenary of Accumulation of Capital, Berlin, 9 March

100th Anniversary of
The Accumulation of Capital:
A Contribution to an Economic Explanation of Imperialism
A Century-Old Work Remains Contemporary, Provocative and Seminal


Friday, 7 March 2014
15.00/3 p.m. Cultural beginning
15.10: 3.10 Welcome and introduction of the project
15.25: 3.25 The Significance of Rosa Luxemburg for Contemporary Social Theory:
Nancy Fraser
16.15: 4.15 Rosa Luxemburg‘s Accumulation of Capital as an Epistemological and Political Challenge Today – Critique of Social Theory and of Historical Reality as an Orientation for Radical Political practice: Frieder Otto Wolf
17.00/ 5 p.m. Coffee break
17.20: 5.20 The Contribution of Rosa Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital to the
Critique of Political Economy: Michael Krätke
17.50: 5.50 Discussion
19.20: 7.20 Reflection on the First Conference Day: Hanna Szymborska
19.30: 7.30 Small talk and a drink at the RLF

Saturday, 8.3.2014 - International Women’s Day
10.00/10 a.m. A Feminist Re-Appropriation of Rosa Luxemburg’s ‘Land Grabbing’ Concept: Tove Soiland
10.45: On the Historical Conditions of The Accumulation of Capital and the Necessity of Its Utilization for Socialist Revolutionary Consciousness Past and Present: Julian Park
11.10: Rosa Luxemburg on Workers’ Consciousness – Looking back from
Today: Klaus Dörre
11.35: Coffee break
11.50: The ‘Outside’ of Capital – Land grabbing as Production of Surplus Labour Time and the Crisis of the Production of Relative Surplus Value: Frank Engster
12.15: Discussion in two working groups: on the feminist lecture and on the
contributions of Julian Park, Klaus Dörre and Frank Engster
13.15: 1.15 Lunch break
14.00/2 p.m. How to deal Productively with the Heritage of Luxemburg – The Example of Tadeusz Kowalik: Jan Toporowski
14.25: 2.25 Marx’s Evolving Conception of Value and Luxemburg’s Legacy:
Paul Zarembka
14.50: 2.50 Re-Reading The Accumulation of Capital: He Ping
15.10: 3.10 Is there an ‘Imperial living mode’, and how does it work?: Judith Dellheim
15.30. 3.30 Neo-Developmentalism, Accumulation by dispossession and international rent in Argentina, 2003-2013: Mariano Feliz
15.50: 3.50 Coffee break
16.10: 4.10 Discussion in three working groups “Critical Appropriation of
Luxemburg’s Heritage”: A) on the contributions of He Ping, Paul Zarembka, Jan Topororowski, Mariano Feliz; B) contributions of 20
minutes by Maria Backhouse, Kojo Opoku Aidoo1, Jaya Mehta2; discussion; C) contributions of 20 minutes by Ranabir Samaddar3, Dominika Dinušová4, Werner Rätz5, Ingo Schmidt6; discussion
18.50: 6.50 Reflection on the discussion in the working groups
A) Hanna Szymborska
B) Xin Wei
C) Lutz Brangsch
19.20: 7.20 Reflection on the Second Conference Day: Ingo Schmidt
20.00/8 p.m. Conference dinner

Sunday, 9.3.2014
10.00/10 a.m. Accumulation of Capital and of the Social and the Ecological in Capitalism – Consequences of Revolutionary Realpolitik: Michael Brie
10.30: Rosa Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital as a Guide to Popular
Solidarity for an Emancipatory Left: An agenda for further research: Patrick Bond
11.00: Comment: He Ping
10.10: Comment: Kojo Opoku Aidoo
10.20: Comment: Dominika Dinušová
11.30: Coffee Break
11.50: Discussion
12.40: Reflection on the discussion: Ranabir Samaddar
12.50: Closing Remarks
13.00/ 1p.m. Bye-bye drink

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