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CCS Webinar: Decolonising the Sciences

Decolonising the Sciences
Speaker: Tana Joseph
Date: Wednesday 21 October 2020
Time: 16:00-17:00 SA Time

Topic: This seminar will introduce South African astronomy through the lens of various oppressive regimes. It will then discuss current efforts to decolonise astronomy, as well as other sciences, in South Africa and abroad.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Tana Joseph is a South African astronomer, science communicator, entrepreneur and decolonisation advocate. After completing her undergraduate and masters degrees at UCT, she obtained her PhD in Physics from the University of Southampton in 2013. She returned to Cape Town to start her research career which is focussed on the physics of binary stellar systems outside of our Milky Way Galaxy. While studying and working in South Africa, the US and the UK, Dr. Joseph became involved in science communication and latterly diversity and inclusion initiatives to encourage marginalised and under-served communities to participate in science. Most recently, she has turned her attention towards decolonisation efforts in science academia.

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