CCS Webinar: Anti-Racist Scholar-Activism as Decolonial Praxis in British Universities |
Speaker: Remi Joseph-Salisbury Date: Wednesday 11 November 2020 Time: 16:00-17:00 SA Time
Topic: There have been growing calls to transform universities in recent years. In the UK context, a range of student (and staff) campaigns have coalesced into a movement to 'decolonize'. This work has been buttressed by a summer of unprecedented Black Lives Matter protests. Simultaneously, however, there is a mounting (government-driven) backlash against the teaching of theories such as Critical Race Theory and Marxism, and students and academics of colour continue to face a range of racist and raicalised challenges in British Universities. Taking this as the contextual backdrop, this presentation draws upon ongoing research on anti-racist scholar-activism in British universities. Drawing upon the insights of research participants, I consider the range of ways in which anti-racist scholar-activists work within and against the university to service communities of resistance. We might think of this as a form of decolonial praxis.
Speaker Bio: Remi Joseph-Salisbury is a Presidential Fellow in Ethnicities and Inequalities at the University of Manchester, UK. He is interested in the study of race, racism, and anti-racism, with particular interests in education and policing. In 2020, he authored a report on 'Race and Racism in English Secondary Schools', and co-authored 'Race and Ethnicity in British Sociology'. He is the author of 'Black Mixed Race Men', co-editor of 'The Fire Now: Anti-Racism in Times of Explicit Racial Violence' and is currently working on a co-authored book on anti-racist scholar-activism in UK universities. Remi organises with the Northern Police Monitoring Project, an abolitionist group based in Manchester, and is the Race and Resistance columnist at Red Pepper Magazine.
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