CCS Webinar: Haunting colonial legacies in-and-of the Canadian University |
Speaker: Rosalind Hampton Date: Wednesday 18 November 2020 Time: 16:00-17:00 SA Time
Topic “I am its antithesis...I am its, its darkness.” Haunting colonial legacies in-and-of the Canadian University This webinar centres Black people’s experiences and Black radical thought to critique ongoing histories of colonialism and settler nationalism enacted and reproduced within higher education in Canada.
Speaker Bio Rosalind Hampton works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto. Her areas of research, teaching and supervision include Black radicalisms, racialized social relations in Canada, student activism, and critical-creative praxis in Black Studies research and pedagogy. Her recent book Black Racialization and Resistance at an Elite University (UTP, 2020) examines Black people’s experiences of studying and teaching at McGill University since the late 1950s, and how these experiences have been shaped by ruling relations of settler colonialism and racial capitalism.
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