CCS Webinar: All Black Lives Matter: The Black Trans Lives Movement in America |
Speaker: Tori Cooper Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021 Time: 16:00-17:00 SA Time Facilitators: Andries Motau & Danford Chibvongodze Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/98706848647?pwd=ZkQ4UVA5QmpoRVptOTJiZDc1QjkzQT09
Topic: As America, and the world entered into a period of racial reckoning, some people for the very first time took notice that indeed Black Lives Matter. Black and Brown transgender women are still being killed, with little to no awareness outside of the community. Milan Nicole Sherry and an outstanding group of trans activists, began the Black Trans Lives Matter movement to bring greater attention and intersectionality to the BLM movement. Black trans women and men are often victims of fatale violence and targeted for simply being who we are. These ladies mobilized at the local level, at community events in New Orleans, at the National Trans Visibility March and every other place where they could share the message in an effort to engage more trans people and allies. The Black Trans Lives Matter movement share this message everywhere it goes by being visible and active in fighting against bigotry, hatred, transphobia and the loud minority of people who seek to erase the very existence of Black Trans lives.
Speaker Bio: Tori Cooper is a health and equity advocate, community organizer, educator, published author and leader in the transgender and HIV communities. She leads with more than 30 years of experience at all levels of HIV service, from volunteer roles to her service as executive director and founder of Advocates for Better Care Atlanta, LLC. She now serves as the Human Rights Campaign’s Director of Community Engagement for the Transgender Justice Initiative. In this role, her focus includes economic empowerment; capacity building programs; public safety; and expanded public education campaigns. Before joining HRC, Cooper was a consultant and Prevention Specialist at Positive Impact Health Centers in metro Atlanta. In 2015, Cooper created Advocates for Better Care Atlanta, LLC which is an organization dedicated to the education and empowerment of marginalized people across the country. Since its inception, she has self-financed this agency which prioritizes transgender women and men as well as people living with HIV. Tori Cooper has received numerous awards for her work and is a published author, most recently appearing in print and video. Her work is featured in a new documentary titled, “Silent Epidemic” where she talks about the trans community and HIV in the South.