CCS Webinar: Climate Resilient Development Pathways from IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) |
Speaker: Debora Ley Facilitators: Andries Motau & Danford Chibvongodze Date: Thursday, 21 April 2022 Time: 16:00-17:00 (SA Time) Zoom Link: https://ukzn.zoom.us/j/96343707472?pwd=SXlUTjN4WGJzUzQ4L09jblFiQk0rQT09
Topic: The latest IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation) published in February 2022 examines the impacts of climate change on environment and people across the globe and calls for immediate action that focuses on promoting climate resilient, equity and social justice. In this webinar, the lead author of IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, Dr Debora Ley gives us an insight into the report and discusses how developing climate resilient in communities relates to climate social justice, equity, and some of the global commitments on climate change made at COP 26.
Speaker Bio: Dr Debora Ley is Economic Affairs Officer of the Energy and Natural Resources Unit of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. She is Lead Author for IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report Working Group II (Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation) and Lead Author of IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming at 1.5°C, focusing on adaptation, sustainable development, and renewable energy. She has a DPhil in Geography and the Environment from the University of Oxford, an MSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder, USA, and a BSc in Electromechanical Engineering. She has worked at Sandia National Laboratories in the US and has been a consultant with numerous organisations, focusing on topics of renewable energy, energy poverty, rural electrification, sustainable development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. She is a volunteer with Engineers without Borders, Sense and Sustainability and an editor for the Journal of Regional Environmental Change.
This event is part of the March-May 2022 Centre for Civil Society - Special Webinar Series Reflections on COP26 Our Seminar Series remains online for 2022 - please join us for webinar discussions on the theme of COP26. The 2021 Climate Change Conference COP26 was focused on enhanced commitments towards mitigating climate change. COP26 resulted in the Glasgow Climate Pact focused on reducing the use of coal. COP26 was however also the site of major protest action in opposition to inadequate / weak measures proposed at the conference and a need for stronger resolutions to effectively deal with climate change. Join us as we engage with scholars and activists who attended the conference for their reflections on the climate change debate.