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CCS Webinar: Arts, youth conscientization and environmental issues at COP 26: Reflections on Phone Call to the world

Arts, youth conscientization and environmental issues at COP 26: Reflections on Phone call to the world
Speakers: Mary Elizabeth Lange, Bhekithemba Dlamini, Noluthando Shandu and Rachelle Ngalula Mukendi
Facilitators: Andries Motau & Danford Chibvongodze
Date: 28 April 2022
Time: 16h00-17h00 (SA Time)
Zoom Link:


ARROWSA, a registered voluntary non-profit organization based in Durban South Africa, led South Africa’s participation in an international project titled Phone Call to the World. This collaborative project with youth utilized the arts to address environmental issues. It was led by Scottish Youth Theatre, funded by the British Council and culminated in a COP26 exhibition in Glasgow of outputs from the hubs in Scotland, England, Palestine, India and South Africa. Representatives of ARROWSA and their national partner South Roots Int. in the Cape Flats will in this presentation share how ARROWSA came to be involved in a COP26 project, who the participants from Durban and Cape Flats were, what methodology was used in the project, what the project outputs were and which of these were included in the COP26 exhibition. The challenges, success and impact of the project on the participants and the organization will also be explored in the presentation.

Speakers Bios:

Mary Elizabeth Lange
Mary Elizabeth LangeMary Lange is an arts, culture and heritage practitioner, researcher and author in Durban, South Africa. She is on the management of two arts, culture and heritage for social change organisations namely ARROWSA, Durban and Indra, UK. She is also an honorary lecturer at CCMS, UKZN. Originally trained as a theatre performer and drama-in-education teacher she subsequently added archaeology and a doctorate in cultural studies to her qualifications. She has a passion for fostering intercultural understanding by facilitating natural and cultural heritage educational and community social change programmes.

Bhekithemba Dlamini
Bhekithemba Dlamini Bhekithemba Dlamini is a theatre performer, who contributes as an actor, producer, director, script writer and storyteller. He is an educator at Bechet Secondary school, where is also the ARROWSA Bechet coordinator/facilitator. Bheki is a powerful force in the workplace and uses his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard and succeed. Bheki is inspired daily by his students. In his free time, Bheki likes to read, watch movies and enjoys spending time with family.

Noluthando Shandu
Noluthando ShanduNoluthando Shandu is 21 years old and an Arrowsa Alumni. Born Raised and Buttered in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, currently based in Cape Town. She currently part of a faith based non-profit organization called South Roots International. Noluthando is pursuing a degree in Community Development and her latest favorite quote is "Dream beyond your personal wealth".

Rachelle Ngalula Mukendi
Rachelle Ngalula MukendiRachelle Ngalula Mukendi is a 20 year from Durban, currently residing in Cape Town. She is a performing artist, part of the South Roots International Team and an ARROWSA alumni. Rachelle has been part of ARROWSA Bechet for three years and uses spoken word and dancing to impact communities and individuals. Her heart lies in uplifting and motivating young girls in being confident in their true identity and loving who they truly are. As well as speaking up and out about gender-based violence and how to deal with the roots of this illness and the many other illnesses affected by it.

This Webinar is part of the wMarch - May 2022 
Centre for Civil Society - Special Webinar Series 
Reflections on COP26 
Our Seminar Series remains online for 2022 - please join us for webinar discussions on the theme of COP26. 
The 2021 Climate Change Conference COP26 was focused on enhanced commitments towards mitigating climate change. COP26 resulted in the Glasgow Climate Pact focused on reducing the use of coal. COP26 was however also the site of major protest action in opposition to inadequate / weak measures proposed at the conference and a need for stronger resolutions to effectively deal with climate change. Join us as we engage with scholars and activists who attended the conference for their reflections on the climate change debate. 

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