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CCS Webinar: CIVICUS MONITOR: Tracking the World’s Civic Space

Facilitators: Andries Motau & Danford Chibvongodze 
Speaker: Sylvia Mbataru
Date: 06 October 2022
Time: 16:00-17:00 (SA Time)
Zoom Link:

Please note changing times to accommodate speakers from international time zones 

In this webinar, Sylvia Mbataru discusses the CIVICUS Monitor a cutting-edge research tool built by civil society. The monitor aims to share reliable, up-to-date data on the state of civil society freedoms in all countries. The CIVICUS Monitor interactive world map allows you to access live updates from civil society around the world, track threats to civil society and learn about the ways in which our right to participate is being realised or challenged. The webinar will focus on the following: 

  1. An introduction of the CIVICUS Monitor 

  2. A global overview of key civic space trends 

  3. A focus on Africa – key trends 

Speaker Bio:
Sylvia Mbataru is a human rights and public policy lawyer working as a researcher at CIVICUS, where she leads the organisation's monitoring and research of civic space in Eastern & Southern Africa, Middle East, and parts of Eastern Europe. She has over a decade’s experience working on human rights and social justice issues, having previously worked at the Kenya Human Rights Commission as a Civic space Advisor, and on Economic and Social rights, as well as children’s rights prior to that. 

September -October 2022
Centre for Civil Society - Special Webinar Series 
Reflections on CIVICUS’ 2022 State of Civil Society Report and CIVICUS Monitor 
Our Seminar Series remains online for 2022 - please join us for webinar discussions on CIVICUS’ State of Civil Society’s Reports 
This two-part Special Webinar Series focuses on CIVICUS’ work around the 2022 State of Civil Society Report and CIVICUS Monitor. The first webinar looks at the 2022 CIVICUS State of Civil Society Report which shines a light on a time of immense upheaval and contestation. The report examines the illegal Russia’s war on Ukraine, soaring global fuel prices, devastating impacts of the COVID-19 and climate change that have further exacerbated communities’ precariousness. The second webinar discusses the CIVICUS Monitor, a research tool that provides close to real-time data and ratings on the state of civil society and civic freedoms in 196 countries. 

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