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Special Webinar Series:Civil Society in South Africa: Civil Society in South Africa: A Shrinking Space?

This seminar series seeks to disseminate findings from a Centre for Civil Society NRF funded research study. The study focused on how the ‘shrinking space’ of civil society has impacted on the functioning of social movements and NGOs in South Africa in terms of their framing strategies, their ability to mobilise and their inclination to link with the grass roots avoiding processes of ‘NGOization’. The series incorporates eight case studies of foremost social justice movements (civil society organisations) in South Africa and this seminar is focused on the Treatment Action Campaign.

The UKZN Centre for Civil Society is inviting you to a Zoom Session of the CCS Webinar Series

Facilitator:Andries Motau
Danford Chibvongodze
Date:Thursday, 23 November 202
Time:16:00-17:00 (SA Time)
Zoom Link:

Speaker Bio:

Danford Chibvongodze is a Post- Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Civil Society in Durban, South Africa with over 10 years of combined experience in the field of research, community development, programme management, public service, and teaching at university level. Danford has coordinated and managed community projects and conducted participatory research in climate change adaptation, health promotion, poverty mitigation in rural South Africa. Additionally, he has authored and co-authored journal articles, a conference proceeding and a book chapter on issues ranging from environmental management, energy, water sustainability, climate change, and housing in South Africa. He has presented academic and technical papers at international conferences and seminars in South Africa, Romania, Norway and the United States of America.

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